Sunday, August 22, 2010

Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 13

Using his new power, Zero injures Rido with Bloody Rose and Rido flees to the surrounding forest. He attempts to drink the blood of his servants to recover, and is confronted by Kaname. As Kaname fights Rido, Zero arrives and kills Rido with Bloody Rose. Zero meets with Yuki to say farewell. When he reveals that he does not believe that Yuki is a vampire, he asks her to drink his blood, and she does so. Zero reveals that he will continue to kill purebloods and will ultimately kill Yuki. Yuki meets with Kaname, claiming that she wishes to protect him despite the pain he has caused her by protecting her the previous ten years. After Yuki says farewell to Kaien, she and Kaname leave the Academy with Hanabusa, Akatsuki and Ruka.

Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 12

Surrounded by his servants, Rido drinks their blood, and waits for Yuki to come to him. While the Night Class students battle Rido's servants, Yagari fights the vampires sent by the Hunter's Association. The Association president goes to Ichijo and asks for his blood to maintain his beauty; Ichijo kills him instead. Kaname goes to the meeting place of the Vampire Council and kills all of them except Ichijo, who manages to escape. As he leaves the building, Ichijo is confronted by Takuma, who uses an anti-vampire sword to fight him. Kaien arrives to fight the vampires sent by the Hunter's Association, and Yuki and several Night Class students leave to fight Rido. When they attempt to fight him, he instantly paralyzes all of the Night Class members, and attempts to drink Yuki's blood, Yuki transforms Artemis into a scythe and injures him. Zero arrives and is overcome by his power he acquired from Ichiru until Yuki slashes him with Artemis.

Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 11

Kaien is confronted by the Association president, who demands that Kaien give him Zero. Kaien refuses and fights the Association president, forcing him to retreat. Ichiru arrives and shoots Zero with the Bloody Rose. Zero recalls the close relationship he had with Ichiru when they were children, and remembers Shizuka killing his parents. Ichiru reveals that he was injured while attempting to kill Rido for Shizuka's sake, and asks Zero to consume him. Zero does so and leaves the room.

Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 10

Yuki sees the sun for the first time as a vampire, and returns to her room with Hanabusa. Yagari confronts the vampire hunters sent to take Zero, and demands that the Association president come. Kaien and Yagari gather the Day Class students to evacuate them, and many are attacked by Rido's vampire servants. The Night Class students dispatch them, and when Yori is attacked by one of Rido's servants, Yuki attempts to defend her. However, her anti-vampire staff, Artemis, rejects her, and Hanabusa kills the vampires. When Yuki tells Yori she is a vampire, Yori accepts this, telling Yuki that she is her friend. Yuki returns to her room and dreams of Shizuka. She is awakened by Kaname, and asks to stay to defend her friends. Kaname refuses, claiming that he had spent ten years protecting Yuki, and asks her to stay in the room. After Kaname leaves, Yuki convinces Hanabusa to allow her to leave and takes a gun from the room. As Zero sits in silence, Kaname arrives, claiming that Zero is the "knight" he has prepared for the past years to kill Rido. He reveals that Zero has been strengthened by drinking the blood of three purebloods – Yuki, Kaname, and Shizuka – and is the stronger twin child of a vampire hunter. When Zero tells Kaname to kill Rido, Kaname reveals that Rido will hunt Yuki, and claims that Zero will never betray Yuki.

Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 9

Zero claims that he can only sense an arrogant pureblood vampire on the other side of the door, and Yuki accepts this, revealing that the vampire side of her ate the other side. She leaves the dorm and Hanabusa brings her shoes. As Yuki begins to cry, Hanabusa reveals that it is unheard of to see pureblood vampires cry. Meanwhile, Kaname goes to where Rido's original body is kept, and asks Ichiru to open his coffin. He claims that he is surprised to see Ichiru, as twins in vampire hunter families attempt to consume one another when they are in the womb. Kaname takes Ichiru's sword and stabs his hand to give Rido the necessary blood to revive. As Kaname leaves, he reveals that he is the original member of the Kuran family, and Rido summoned him from his slumber, rendering Kaname unable to kill Rido. Kaien and Yagari meet, and Zero arrives, asking Yagari to kill him. Yagari refuses and leaves in a room as Zero reminisces about what Yuki said to him.

Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 8

Kaname leaves with Yuki, who recalls that her father, Haruka Kuran, died fighting Rido, and that her mother, Juri Kuran, sacrificed herself to seal Yuki's memories and transform her into a human. Kaname meets Akatsuki and Hanabusa, and reveals that Yuki is his sister and his fiancée. Upon awakening, Yuki drinks Kaname's blood, and is saddened that Juri and Haruka sacrificed themselves to save her. Yuki realizes that her parents were siblings, and Kaname reveals that they are engaged. Kaname orders the Night Class students to keep the Day Class students in their dorms. Meanwhile, Rima battles Shiki, and is seriously injured; however, she pleas to Shiki to regain control, and Rido is unable to move Shiki's body. Yuki decides to talk to Zero, and despite Akatsuki's and Hanabusa's pleas, goes to the Day Class dorms. When Yuki arrives at the door to Zero's room, she senses that Zero has pointed Bloody Rose at her.

Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 7

Shiki approaches Kaname and Kaname realizes that Shiki is possessed by Rido Kuran, Kaname's uncle. Kaname attacks Shiki, but Takuma stops him, claiming that he will not allow Kaname to harm Shiki. Yuki begs Kaname to return her memories, and she collapses in his arms after hallucinating again. Kaname takes Yuki to Kaien, who reveals that it is time to awaken Yuki. Yuki wakes up in her bed and hallucinates that the room is covered in blood. When Zero comes into the room, Yuki involuntarily attempts to strangle him. After Zero offers no resistance, he tells her that she needs Kaname more than she needs him. Kaname arrives and takes Yuki onto the roof of the building. He bites her, drinks his own blood, and transfers his blood to Yuki by kissing her. Zero arrives, furious that Kaname has turned Yuki into a vampire, and Yuki reveals that Kaname is her older brother.

Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 6

Kaname orders several Night Class students to guard Yuki after she agrees to become his lover. Yuki begins to have nightmares and continues to see images of blood on everything she sees. When she collapses from these images, she is taken to the infirmary, where Ichiru attempts to give her a vial of blood, and he is stopped by Hanabusa. Yuki meets with Kaname, and due to the awkwardness of their meeting, cannot ask any questions about her past. Yuki and Kaien invite Ichiru to dinner with Zero, but Yuki brings up that she saw Ichiru in the infirmary and thought he was Zero. Zero's furious response to this causes Ichiru to leave. Shiki and Takuma return to the Night Class dorm, and Rima realizes that someone is possessing Shiki after seeing that one of his eyes is colored red.

Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 5

Yuki continues to hallucinate that her surroundings are drenched in blood, and is determined to ask Kaname about her past. Zero allows Ichiru to join the Day Class, and Kaien hopes that the brothers can repair their relationship. During her night patrol, Yuki hallucinates that blood is on her hand and she inadvertenly attacks Kaname. Kaname comforts her and tells her that he loves her. Zero confronts Kaname about Yuki's memories, and Kaname forces Zero to drink his blood to stop his transformation into a Level E vampire. Yuki resolves to talk with Kaname, and Kaname reveals that he is worried that Yuki will hate him when she learns the truth about her memories. Yuki claims that she could never hate him, and Kaname asks Yuki to become his lover to prove her devotion.

Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 4

Shiki's uncle takes him to a man immersed in a tub of blood, and claims that he is Shiki's father. Shiki's father awakens and asks Shiki to lend him his power. Seiren informs Kaname of this, and Kaname returns to the Academy. Meanwhile, Yuki is recalling her conversation with Zero when she hallucinates that her bath is filled with blood. Zero suggests that she look in the records of the Hunter's Association for clues about her past. They travel to the Hunter's Association headquarters, where Yuki discovers that Kaien was formerly a vampire hunter. The Association president confronts Zero, and reveals he can only save himself from becoming a Level E by drinking a pureblood vampire's blood or reversing the "Cursed Twins". Outside, the book Yuki is reading bursts into flames. That evening, Zero tells Chairman Cross about the Cursed Twins and goes up to visit Yuki, who's sat alone in her room. She is so upset about what happened at the Association and the fact she can't remember any of her memories, she cries in Zero's arms all night. Also that night, Hanabusa confronts Kaname about his plans, and Kaname reveals that his parents were murdered. Meanwhile, Takuma meets his grandfather, who addresses Shiki as his lord.

Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 3

The students of the Cross Academy leave for the holiday, and Rima, Ruka, Kaname, Akatsuki, and Takuma go to the Aido family residence; however, Hanabusa stays on campus. Shiki goes to his home rather than the Aido residence, as he was summoned by his uncle. In the Night Class dorm, Hanabusa recalls asking Akatsuki to investigate Kaname's family while at the Aido residence. Hanabusa goes to the Day Class dorm, and meets Yuki and Zero, who makes dinner for him. Afterwards, Hanabusa takes a bath and recalls meeting Kaname when he was younger, noting the change in his personality before and after Kaname's parents died. While making dinner, Yuki cuts herself and tells Zero to drink the blood, a scene witnessed by Hanabusa. He returns to the Night Class dorm and enters Kaname's study, where he realizes Kaname is planning something.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 2

Yuki and her friend Yori walk through the nearby town, and encounter a lost boy. Yuki offers to take him back to his parents, and the child takes her to an abandoned building. He kisses her in gratitude, which knocks Yuki unconscious. She awakens to find Kaname watching her. Kaname reveals that there is a party for vampires in the building, and asks Yuki not to leave the room. Meanwhile, Zero has been assigned to oversee the party by the Hunter's Association. The child goes to Yuki's room to apologize, and Yuki follows him. She views the party as Kaname enters, and Hanabusa's father offers his daughter in marriage to Kaname. Yuki returns to her room, and Kaname returns. He lies down beside her, and asks if she wants to be a vampire and live forever with him. She agrees, and Kaname leans down to bite her neck. But before he can, he pulls away and apologize and says that he will not hurt her.

Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 1

While separating the Day Class students from the Night Class students to allow them to go to class, Yuki accidentally calls Zero Kaname, which angers him. That evening, Maria awakens and tells Zero that Shizuka was seeking the pureblood vampire who changed the execution list of the Hunter's Association that resulted in the death of her lover. Yuki is attacked by vampires sent by the Vampire Council to execute Zero for killing Shizuka, and Zero saves her. Before the remaining vampires can attack, the Night Class students appear, and Kaname orders the Council assassins to leave. When Kaname insinuates that Zero was the one who killed Shizuka, Yuki claims that she will not speak to him until he admits Zero is innocent. Later, Zero dreams about Shizuka, and awakens calling Yuki's name. When Yuki comes to comfort him, he nearly kisses her, but stops.

Vampire Knight Episode 13

As Ichiru is crying at her side, Shizuka tells him about her past engagement to a pureblood vampire. However, she fell in love with a human and turned him into a vampire. He was executed by Ichiru's parents because Shizuka's fiancé had changed the list of vampires to be executed by the Hunter's Association. Ichiru leaves with Shizuka's body and when he meets Zero, he relates the hatred he feels for him. Zero collapses shortly afterwards due to his blood thirst. Akatuski arrives and tells Kaname that he believes that Zero killed Shizuka. The following day, Yuki asks Kaien about Zero's condition, and later confides her guilt about Zero's pain to Kaname. Kaname goes to Zero's room and forces Zero to drink his blood to alleviate his madness, claiming that keeping him alive is for Yuki's sake.

Vampire Knight Episode 12

Yuki tells Shizuka to drink her blood in exchange for saving Zero, and Zero arrives to stop her. Shizuka uses her voice to compel Zero to restrain Yuki, and he breaks the compulsion by shooting himself in the leg. He injures Shizuka, and she leaves after Ichiru arrives. Ichiru begins to fight Zero, and Yuki stops their fight. Ichiru threatens to kill Yuki, and in response, Zero points Bloody Rose at Ichiru's head. Ichiru reveals that the gun cannot harm him, as Shizuka never changed him into a vampire. Meanwhile, Yagari continues to argue with Kaien, who claims that he cannot interfere with vampire affairs under Kaname's jurisdiction. Shizuka goes to Kaname's room, and he pierces her heart with his hand. As he drinks her blood, he vows to destroy their mutual enemy. Realizing that Shizuka is injured, Ichiru leaves and finds Shizuka's body.

Vampire Knight Episode 11

Ichiru reveals that he felt inferior and worthless in comparison to Zero, and this led to him to ally with Shizuka. Ichiru attacks Zero and their fight is stopped by Yagari, who is stabbed in the shoulder by Ichiru's sword. Zero takes Yagari to Kaien, and Yagari tells Kaien that Ichiru has returned. Yuki recalls Maria's proposal to save Zero: either give Maria her blood or kill Kaname. Yuki allows Zero to feed on her blood while mulling on Maria's proposal. Kaname gives Yuki a ball dress, and during the ball, they dance on the terrace. Yuki accuses Kaname of treating her like a child, and Kaname claims that he simply wishes to protect her. Yuki leaves to talk with Maria, and Zero searches for her. Meanwhile, Hanabusa and Akatsuki find Shizuka's real body, and Seiren, a Night Class student, tells them that Kaname has ordered them to leave it alone.

Vampire Knight Episode 10

Zero remembers telling his twin brother, Ichiru Kiryu to flee after Shizuka’s attack. Maria attempts to meet Yuki, and Zero tells Yuki to avoid her. Zero begins to tutor Yuki to help her with her exams, and Zero reveals that Yuki is the only reason he is alive. Maria talks with Kaname, who claims that he knows that she is not Maria. Zero attempts to fight Maria, but is unable to attack her. Kaname erases Yuki's memory of the incident, and Maria has her servant take Zero away. The following day, Yagari confides to Kaien that Kaname's kindness to Yuki is strange, and Kaien comments that Kaname told him to admit Maria and allow him to handle her. Maria unlocks Yuki's memory of Zero's fight, and offers to save Zero from becoming a Level E if she helps her. Meanwhile, Zero recalls that he and Ichiru saw Shizuka before her attack, and that after the attack, Ichiru was standing next to Shizuka smiling. Zero awakens and greets Shizuka's servant, realizing that he is Ichiru.

Vampire Knight Episode 9

Zero dreams about Shizuka Hio, who cradles him in her arms in his dream. The members of the Day Class are excited over an upcoming ball, which they will attend with the Night Class students. Kaien asks Yuki to guide a transfer student to the Night Class, Maria Kurenai. When Maria attends class with the Night Class students, they are surprised by her boldness towards Kaname, and Hanabusa realizes that Maria resembles Shizuka Hio. Maria encounters Yuki and Zero, who points his gun at her. Unsure whether Maria is Shizuka, he allows her to leave. Hanabusa voices his concern that Maria resembles Shizuka to Akatsuki. Hanabusa later talks to Zero, who asks if Maria has any connection to Shizuka. Hanabusa reveals that Zero should know the answer, as he has a blood bond with Shizuka. That evening, Kaname asks Takuma to observe Maria. Meanwhile, Maria playfully pretends to bite her companion in her room.

Vampire Knight Episode 8

Kaname refuses to leave his room, a decision that worries most of the Night Class students. Shortly afterwards, Takuma reveals that his grandfather, Asato Ichijo, a member of the Vampire Council, plans to visit the Academy. Kaname leaves his room to greet Ichijo, who attempts to drink Kaname's blood. Hanabusa and Ruka stop him, explaining that attempting to draw blood from a pureblood vampire is taboo. Kaname hits Aido for overstepping his authority, and later declines Ruka's offer to drink her blood. Later, Ichijo tells Takuma to continue to serve Kaname but keep watch on him. Yuki and Zero take Ichijo to Kaien, who assigns Zero to hunt down a Level E vampire. Yuki follows him and learns that Shiki and Rima Touya have been assigned by the Vampire Council to hunt the same vampire. Zero ultimately kills the vampire, and a girl, who had been watching the incident through the eyes of a raven, announces to a man beside her that she will attend Cross Academy.

Vampire Knight Episode 7

During his target practice, Zero reveals that he can sense Yuki's feelings for Kaname through her blood. In a flashback, Yuki recalls when Kaien adopted her and that she was initially fearful of Kaname before becoming close to him. When Kaien brought Zero into the household, he explained to Yuki that his entire family had been killed by a vampire. Shortly afterwards, Kaien established the Cross Academy with the Day Class and Night Class, which infuriated Zero. After class one day, Yuki attempted to visit Kaname, and saw him drinking the blood of Ruka Souen. Afraid, Yuki ran away. In the present, Zero finds Yuki asleep and is tempted to drink her blood when Kaname appears. He explains to Zero that the only reason he has not killed him is to keep him alive for Yuki's sake.

Vampire Knight Episode 6

Yagari explains that he is Zero's teacher, and sacrificed one of his eyes to save him in the past. He prepares to kill Zero, and Yuki shields him. Kaien arrives and convinces Yagari to leave. The following day, Zero is missing from class and Yagari tells Yuki that he isolated Zero in the headmaster's guest room. Yuki goes to Zero, and he describes a previous incident he had with a Level E before drinking more of Yuki's blood. Later, Yuki meets Kaname, who realizes that Zero drank Yuki's blood. Yagari arrives and asks Kaname why he has not killed Zero. Kaname replies that he fears he would lose Yuki's affection if he did so. The following day, Zero and Yagari are absent from class, and Yuki finds Yagari pointing his gun at Zero again. Yuki convinces Yagari to leave, and he tells Zero that Shizuka Hio is still alive.

Vampire Knight Episode 5

Kaien gives Yuki a protection bracelet that would stop Zero if he attempts to bite her again. A new ethics teacher, Toga Yagari, joins the school, and in his first class, Zero leaves. In the town, a Level E vampire attacks Yuki and Zero, and they are saved by Night Class students Takuma Ichijo and Senri Shiki, who explain that they were hunting the Level E as part of their duties as noble-class vampires. Takuma invites Yuki and Zero to his party, in which Kaname explains to Yuki the continuing battle between vampires and vampire hunters. Zero, uncomfortable by the presence of so many vampires, leaves. Yuki follows him and Zero attempts to bite her. Yuki pulls Zero into a pool, and Yagari, revealing himself as a vampire hunter, shoots Zero in the shoulder.

Vampire Knight Episode 4

Kaname tends to the bite marks Zero gave Yuki, and Kaien explains that Zero's family was attacked by a pureblood vampire, Shizuka Hio, who killed Zero's parents and turned Zero into a vampire. That evening, she overhears a conversation between Kaname and Kaien discussing Zero's transfer to the Night Class. Yuki goes to the Night Class dorms to convince Kaname to stop the transfer. Kaname refuses, noting that Zero will ultimately become a Level E vampire. Meanwhile, Zero ponders shooting himself with his anti-vampire gun, and is stopped by Yuki. He later attempts to run away from the school, and Yuki stops him again.

Vampire Knight Episode 3

Zero and Yuki are assigned to inspect the Night and Day Class dorms for any banned items. Yuki discovers Zero has blood tablets, normally taken by the Night Class students to quench their thirst for blood. Zero flees to the nearby town. Following Zero, Yuki encounters a young boy who leads her deeper into the town. Revealing that he is a vampire, the boy scratches Yuki, and she is attacked by another vampire. Both of the vampires are dispatched by Zero and Kaname, who reveals that they are Level E vampires, degenerate vampires consumed by their thirst for blood. At the school, Yuki finds Zero in a corridor, where he loses control at the scent of her blood and bites her, revealing that he is a vampire.

Vampire Knight Episode 2

On Valentine's Day, Yuki and Zero are forced to organize the exchanging of gifts between the Day Class and Night Class members, a process made difficult by the fact that most of the Day Class is enamored with members of the Night Class. After the Night Class students receive all their presents, Zero gives Yuki's present to Kaname, who takes her present after discarding all the other gifts he received. Zero is constantly tempted by Yuki's scent and he has to go somewhere away from Yuki to avoid hurting her. That evening, Zero is attacked by several Night Class students, including Hanabusa and Akatsuki, and they retreat after realizing that attacking him would incur Kaname's anger. Afterwards, Yuki finds Zero in a bathroom, and gives him a chocolate she made herself. Zero sees Yuki's bare neck and his vampire impulses start, but he leaves before anything happens. Yuki also finds a blood tablet that was laying next to Zero.

Vampire Knight Episode 1

Yuki Cross recalls her earliest memories in which she is attacked by a vampire, and saved by the pureblood vampire Kaname Kuran. In the present, she attends the Cross Academy, a school founded by her adoptive father, Kaien Cross, and she works as a "guardian" with vampire hunter Zero Kiryuu to protect the human students of the "Day Class" from the vampires of the "Night Class", an arrangement created by Kaien to foster better relations between vampires and humans. That evening, Yuki discovers a pair of Night Class students, Hanabusa Aido and Akatsuki Kain, threatening to feed on a pair of Day Class students. Yuki attempts to stop them, and they retreat only after Zero arrives and threatens them with his anti-vampire gun, Bloody Rose.